The Gross US National Debt

My Take On Things

Things and events the way I see them.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Drivers these days, as usual, are just stupid. Most of the idiot offenders seem to be the timid and scared immigrant population who arrived here between 2 - 7 years ago and picked up their drivers license at the local Rucky Driving School.

These are the ones you see driving 45km/h in the middle lane of the 401, DVP, etc... During rush hour, or any other time of the day for that matter, and they simply plod along without any understanding of their surroundings or the consequences of doing so.

I dare say that if these jagoffs were not on the road, rush hour would almost disappear.
The true shame of it all is this: because there are so many of these people on the roads with their sub-standard driving abilities, those of us who are on our game whilst behind the wheel, get bogged down in their shite and then pretty soon everyone gets bogged down.

This is just a small part of the dumbing down process society is going through, we are becoming too forgiving of people, that for lack of a better description, just don't seem to want to try. It would seem they are quite happy to "just exist".

It is truly a shame.