I'm getting thoroughly tired of the Slack Jaws that seem to be finding their employment with this company, better yet, I'm at a loss as to why this company hires these people in the first place. OH WAIT, I KNOW WHY, because these poor slovenly slack jaws will work for minimum wage.
Either way you cut it the standards of Timmy Ho's have gone well down the slippery slope, Most of their doughnuts are not "Always fresh" as the signage says, but instead stale and hard.
The staff seem to just plod along looking forward to their next longevity cheque. I can remember a time not so long ago when one would be greeted at the counter with a smile and some enthusiasm, you would place your order and be gone in roughly 30 seconds. Now, you wait in line for 10 minutes because they are short staffed and the ones working are slow as molasses.
One of the main reasons these people are slow is because they either don't understand English, or they simply are not paying the slightest bit of attention. Let me ask you this, how many of you have placed your order for say.........a medium regular and chocolate doughnut, only to have Thajinder repeat your order as "Medium double double with an Apple Fritter" and then the guy proceeds to make you a large triple triple and ask's what kind of doughnut you want. Let me tell you, after the second time it gets pretty fuckin ponderous.
Some of you may say "then don't give them your business" and normally you would be correct but because in Canada, Tim Hortons is ingrained at an early age, and they are pretty much on every street corner it's hard to go elsewhere sometimes. And I certainly won't go to Starsluts, because the idea of paying $4.00 or more for a cup of coffee simply irks the hell out of me.
Unfortunately, the situation will sadly not improve itself anytime soon.
Ah well.......................
Please get your facts straight.. a coffee at Starbucks costs approx. 1.50 (depending on size of course). You will also find the coffee and service much better than at T-ho's. A latte costs $3 and change to over 4 and is worth every penny but you would't know tbis cause you're just another donut-addicted hoser who likes watered- down coffee and putting up with lousy service. Instead of moaning give why not give your business to the company that earns it?
OH, My facts are straight. I refuse to pay $3 - 4 for a big cup of what amounts to steamed milk with one shot of expresso in it. As for your approx. $1.50 coffee, let me tell you this........When I walk into a place I want to be able to go up to the counter and say "Large Regular Please" and not have the Barrista look at me like I came from another planet because I didn't order in proper Starsluts speak. And if Timmy Ho's is so bad for watering down their coffee as you say, then please explain to the rest of us who read this page exactly why I see you there several times a week. Hmmmmmm?
I just wish that Tim Horton's always had Steeped Tea available. Their head office says that it should be available 24/7, makes me wonder why the stores aren't told this or don't wish to follow the rules. I guess that is why I now have the direct line to the head of customer service so I can complain to them. As for the service at Starbucks, it may be true that you get good service there but their regular coffee and tea suck so you have to pay over $4 a cup for a latte, so it can be "watered" down with milk in order to drink it.
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