
So, on the way to work this morning I drove around a few Jaywalkers and the damnedest thing happened.................They looked at me as I drove by like I was the crazy one and their faces were showing great disdain.
Although the picture is not the exact scene from this morning it is very typical of what happens. These people just casually sache out into the road with the full on belief that myself and other drivers will automatically see them, slow down or even better STOP, and let them pass, thereby ruining the flow of traffic and causing possible accidents just so they can shave a few seconds of their schedule. They carry this air of invincibility about themselves and act as if wherever they happen to be walking, that they have the absolute right of way.
These are probably the same folks whom you see in the mall parking lots on the weekends that insist on walking to their cars or the stores right down the middle of the lane, holding up someone trying to park. And as usual, as if right on que, when you give them a small tap on the horn, they turn around and snarl at you because A) - you scared them and B) - now they have to walk three extra steps.
PIKERS every last one of them.
Yet again, one more example of people not being on their game and preferring to just amble on through life. Pretty sad if you ask me.
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