The following excerpt is from AP.
“WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush, standing firmly against a timetable for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq, said Tuesday that he will veto the latest war spending bill approved by Congress.”
“WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush, standing firmly against a timetable for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq, said Tuesday that he will veto the latest war spending bill approved by Congress.”
Well, after the House and Senate Democratic appropriators agreed on Monday to give the Iraq war another $124 billion to waste on the condition that the troops would begin leaving by Oct. 1 with the goal of completing the pullout six months later, Georgey boy decides that’s not good enough for him or his agenda.
The Democrats will need a two-thirds majority vote to quash Bush and his veto, it would be nice if they could get it too. Then all those remaining soldiers over there will be home by next April.
Ya know George, your starting to remind me a lot of President Lyndon Johnson, who ordered troop escalations in Vietnam in an attempt "to save his political legacy" only to watch U.S. casualties climb steadily.
Smarten up will ya.
Amen brother
Your F1 blog readers have about half the intellegence of THIS guy.
'Nuf said !
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