McLaren Drops The Ball - Hands Ferrari the Win.
There are plenty of excuses you can make for Hamilton and, believe me, I’ve been making them. Not only do I believe all the excuses, I admire Hamilton tremendously. Everything about him, on and off the track, is impressive. His victory in the rain at the Japanese Grand Prix transformed him from a star in the making to the heir of Senna and Schumacher. But you know what? After McLaren dropped the ball AGAIN on Sunday in Shanghai I have serious doubts that Lewis will win the Championship in Brazil.
Truth be told, Alonslow and Hamilton shouldn’t even be racing right now as the team was disqualified over a month ago. And, both those drivers are part of “the team”. Wouldn’t you agree? McLaren have been dropping the ball and cheating the whole entire fucking year and to see them at the sharp end of the grid after all their proper fucking up of everything is just not right in any way shape or form.

So, after driving a brilliant race on Sunday in China the only driver even close to being worthy of the Championship crown is Kimi Raikkonen. Don’t get me wrong, it would be nice for Lewis to win in his rookie year but when you are running around a semi wet track on tire canvass and losing 10 seconds a lap to everyone, and you do it for three laps in a row, maybe…just maybe…you don’t deserve to be called the best. I say it was about 50/50 if you want to play the blame game. In many incidents in the past drivers have made their own decision to come into the pits when something is wrong, and had Lewis done that, he would have finished 3rd or 4th and wrapped up the Championship right then and there. The problem was that the whole team was concentrating on the after party instead of getting the job done first. So fuck ‘em.
Here’s to Kimi, I raise my glass to him and Ferrari, god knows it’s pretty tough to win a Championship when you have Four Ferrari’s racing in every race eh?
This is how I hope it goes in Brazil. Kimi wins, Massa second, Nico third, Vettel with his second fourth place finish in as many races and the two McLaren’s take each other out on lap one or two.
Remember, you heard it here first. See you in Brazil in a fortnight.
Truth be told, Alonslow and Hamilton shouldn’t even be racing right now as the team was disqualified over a month ago. And, both those drivers are part of “the team”. Wouldn’t you agree? McLaren have been dropping the ball and cheating the whole entire fucking year and to see them at the sharp end of the grid after all their proper fucking up of everything is just not right in any way shape or form.

So, after driving a brilliant race on Sunday in China the only driver even close to being worthy of the Championship crown is Kimi Raikkonen. Don’t get me wrong, it would be nice for Lewis to win in his rookie year but when you are running around a semi wet track on tire canvass and losing 10 seconds a lap to everyone, and you do it for three laps in a row, maybe…just maybe…you don’t deserve to be called the best. I say it was about 50/50 if you want to play the blame game. In many incidents in the past drivers have made their own decision to come into the pits when something is wrong, and had Lewis done that, he would have finished 3rd or 4th and wrapped up the Championship right then and there. The problem was that the whole team was concentrating on the after party instead of getting the job done first. So fuck ‘em.
Here’s to Kimi, I raise my glass to him and Ferrari, god knows it’s pretty tough to win a Championship when you have Four Ferrari’s racing in every race eh?
This is how I hope it goes in Brazil. Kimi wins, Massa second, Nico third, Vettel with his second fourth place finish in as many races and the two McLaren’s take each other out on lap one or two.
Remember, you heard it here first. See you in Brazil in a fortnight.
Nah, Lewis will do enough to take the crown in Brazil, although Kimi would also be a worthy winner of the Championship. Just hope Alonso doesn't win.
O man, how can you say that McLaren have been cheats? There were zero Ferrari bits on that car! Still, you make a valid point and Raikonnen would be a worthy champion, if only because mcLaren built him so far-too-fragile cars, but to say Lewis doesn't deserve the title?
Come on...
I will, and i hope you do to.
It was a pathetic mistake and ferrari have always gone well at Interlagos, and they have the benefit of Massa playing a willing number two for the team now he can't win it. Will be tight.
Incidentally, I've added a link to your blog on mine, as having read through your posts you hve some interesting points. I hope you think enough o mine to do the same.
And feel free to comment on anything, i appreciate it.
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