Exxon Mobil Corp.

I see by the various headlines today that Exxon Mobil Corp. threw out the number of $10.36 billion in PROFIT for the second quarter………………SECOND QUARTER People. This is the second largest quarterly profit ever reported by a publicly traded U.S. Company. The first largest of some $10.7 billion for the forth quarter in 2005 ALSO came from Exxon. The company makes a cool $1,318.00 per second in profit.
Running the show is one Rex W. Tillerson, he’s the big chief at Exxon and earns roughly $144,573.00 per day for his efforts. Ya gotta know that when he fills up his vehicle at the pumps that he couldn’t care less what the price of gas is, as long as it keeps going up. It’ll just make him more money.

Meanwhile, John Q. Public continues to get raped royally at the gas pump paying in the neighborhood of $3 a gallon or $1.10 a Litre. Do any of you see something VERY wrong with this picture? I sure do.
When in the hell are the legislators going to reign these Fat Cats in and set them straight. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for making money, but when your pulling 10 bill per quarter and you have people who can’t fill up their tanks because it’s too expensive, I think you gotta give something back no?
C’mon, theres plenty to go round.

But this is what happens when GREED takes over and speculators drive Oil up to $74/barrel on supposed shortages and fear mongering from the Middle East Wars.
The funny thing is this little tidbit that not a lot of people know – Canada is the biggest supplier of oil to the United States. So why all the worry about oil from the Middle East you ask, because They (Big Oil, Big Corporations, Government)want you to be worried. Plain and simple. It makes them a hell of a lot of money in the end among other benefits as well which I won’t get into here.
Hopefully, something will be done soon to bring down the gas price but I seriously doubt it.
It’s all about the money and greed, always has been, and always will be.
Just shameful.
Yeah and then at some point in the future the government will have to subsidize Exxon when oil and profits drop and Exxon is spending $20-30 billion in new development. So Capitalism is fine unless someone actually makes a profit? How about lowering taxes on fuel? How about the millions driving SUVs and increasing demand? How about the speculators adding $10-20 per barrel simply due to geo-political risk? Do you really want to live in a society where the government can arbitrarily pick any company making too much money and appropriate part of their earnings at will?
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