Kimi kept the Ferrari colours flying in Australia this past weekend with a smooth and commanding race, and was never once under threat from anyone.

For anyone watching the race though, the “Drive” of the race, without question goes to Lewis Hamilton. I have been watching Lewis since he was in Karts, and let me tell you he thoroughly outclassed his Two-time World Champion team mate Fernando Slowlonso all weekend long, in every session. I predict that Lewis will win one race this year and finish on the podium many times. I must say that I didn’t care too much for the second pit stop when McLaren held Lewis in the pit for an extra second just so the slower current World Champion could pass him and take second place. But I guess if your Ron “The Mouth” Dennis, and you’ve spent untold Millions of Pounds Sterling on a shit half assed driver, then you of course must promote him to take the fight to Kimi and Ferrari and let your cheaper World Class Driver take a back seat for the time being.
My only hope is that Lewis doesn’t put up with that treatment for too long because if he does he will become the best #2 in the business much like Mssrs. Brundle, Coulthard, and Barrichello did.
In ogni modo, WELL DONE FERRARI.
See you at the track.