Formula 1 2006 Hungarian Grand Prix

Firstly, congratulations must go out to Jenson for finally winning his first Grand Prix. Secondly, I think Ferrari made a critical tactical error not putting Mike on Slicks when the track was drying out. Had they have done that I dare say he would definitely have finished on the podium. Some of my friends have complained that Mike was driving rather erratically when De La Rosa was trying to pass him in the late stages of the race and although it was wet off the racing line and Mike's tires were shot I would have to say upon further review that yes, he was a little out of line to drive like that but in his defense, it is near the end of the season so you must expect things like this. Had it have been earlier in the year, I'm sure he would have pulled over and let De La Rosa by.
Also, The race stewards didn't see anything wrong with the driving style so there was no penalty.
Next up we have Alonslow, and through no fault of his own, the car had it's first mechanical failure of the year. Ah well, such is the way.
Now lets talk about Kimi, was there something other than water in his drinks bottle??? Maybe some JD perhaps??, Christ, he says that the car in front of him slowed down for no reason and he had nowhere to go but up the backside of the car. I don't buy it. I say he made a mistake in calculating the pass by half the width of the front tire and paid for it in a large way. C'mon Kimi pay attention will ya.
Now we have the summer break for three weeks which should be enough time to digest the Hungarian Goulash we just had and I'm sure the appetites will be ready for the Turkey in Istanbul on August 25th.
See you at the track.
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