RBC Visa Classic II and "The Call"

So, late last week I get a call from the RBC Sales and Promotions people. The sales person on the other end of the line proceeded to tell me that I was a “valued, long time client of theirs” and that they had this excellent “client upgrade” they would really like to give to me to show their appreciation for being such a good client. All I had to do to obtain this was go from my current Visa Classic credit card to a Visa Classic II credit card. I was told that if I did this, I would be able to use all of my purchases to garner points of some kind that would be able to be put towards purchases etc…. I was also told that I would get 3000 bonus points if I signed up right then and there.
As a quick aside, I find points useless because you usually only get 1 for every twenty spent or sometimes 1 per dollar but even still, it takes 40,000 points just to get something half decent so screw that shite.
Anyways, back to the phone call.
The gentleman also said that the yearly fee was $35 and the interest rate was a full 1.5 percent more than I currently pay. Needless to say, I declined. When the guy asked me ”how come”, I said that I don’t pay any fee for carrying the card right now and I pay less interest , why in hell’s name would I want to upgrade if that’s what’s on offer. Then I said that if they really valued me as a client they should erase my debt or cut my current interest rate in half. All of a sudden the kid lost his professionalism and said “okay G” because he knew full well that what he was peddling was shite, and that I had been smart enough to catch it. I then hung up. Moral of the story, should you listen to any sales calls from anybody or any business……………..Always listen closely to what is being said. Always, always, always.
Hence before they even finish their sales pitch......my response is NO THANK YOU and I hang up.
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