One of the worst designed roads - Ever!!!

Now, no matter the time of day or night, save for 3am and holidays, you can't expect a smooth ride or hassle free travel at all.
The traffic volume is simply too much. And this is during the summer when people are on holidays, just wait 'till September.

You will have noticed that over the last couple of years that they (the City) have tried to alleviate some of the congestion especially at the DVP/404 Interchange. All they did was make it worse. They really thought that putting an HOV lane in from 16th Ave. in the north all the way down to the 401 would speed things up. WRONG. Now, a small handful of cars get to whip by you while you sit and stew, only for you to have to let them back in all the way down at the 401 which slows everyone down because now you have Three or Four lanes whittling down into Two. Ya, Real Nice F'in Planning guy's. Wake the hell up next time. Jagoff's. As you can see from the second photo, the Real Estate beside the Highway can not be expropriated to add lanes or anything so we in the city are stuck with this time wasting road and it's only going to get worse.
Ahhh well, That's the City for ya.
OH YA, I almost forgot, add to the mix the usual bunch of timid scared drivers and now we're talking really SSSSSSLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
So much so that you can leave work at 5:10pm and pull in your driveway at 6:50pm. And that's on a beautiful sunny dry weather day. I won't get into when it's raining or snowing or when an accident occurs taking out a lane or two in the process. That's a whole other story for another day.
The word "Parkway" sums it's a beautiful place to park, soak up the fumes of single occupancy Uber-SUV's and ponder the ill-conceived notion of placing a major traffic artery in one of the most pristine natural water shed areas of the GTA. My particular joy are the quasi-Autobahn style wannabe wankers who delight in weaving lane to lane with out a thought given to using a turn single or better yet the presence of physical space for their car to fit.
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