Paris Hilton Charged With DUI.

“Celebrity Paris Hilton was arrested in Hollywood early on Thursday for suspected drunk driving, but she said the incident had been blown out of proportion and that she may have been speeding to get a late-night burger…Police said Hilton failed a sobriety test but she has not been charged with any offense. That decision will be made by the Los Angles County District Attorney in the next few days.”
C’mon Paris, are we to assume that no food was served at the party you attended. Anyways Sheeple and Lemmings, The point is this. Why the hell is this Celebutante making front-page news for driving drunk? Why the hell does she even make the news at all? Because you people feed on crap like this and keep her on the front pages. At the end of the day, have her lifestyle and antics contributed to your life and it’s outcome? I highly F’in doubt it. But as long as Middle America get’s its fill of Paris and American Idol nothing else matters right?
Stupid Slackjaws,
Wake up and get serious for once.
I also see she wasn’t charged with any offense, rest assured that if it was you or I, we would have been flat out busted right there at the station. But that should be no new news to anyone because Celebrities always get the easy treatment. Why society dotes upon failed Stars is beyond me and also another topic of discussion for later.
Paris Hilton – the ONLY Celebrity that is famous…………for being famous.
What a Saaaaaaaaad F’in JOKE.
That's hot! haha piker
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